Monday, June 27, 2011

Dining Room Table Makeover

Here is what my dining room table looked like BEFORE. Sorry, it was the only recent picture I could find and it doesn't even do justice to how abused the top was. My kids have stabbed it with forks, drawn on it with permanent get the picture. I like distressed furniture, but this just looked ugly. I really wanted a white table to tie in the white from my family room curtains and rug. So I finally took the plunge and painted and antiqued it! I used a tutorial from the blog All Things Thrifty and it turned out just how I was hoping! I used more of a white paint than the one in her tutorial though.  I wanted the table to be smooth enough to wipe down and protected enough that it won't stain so I added 3-4 top coats (more for the top of the table and less for the chairs) of Deft Clear Wood Finish in "Gloss" which comes in spray cans. It worked great! Here's the finished product:

P.S. Don't mind the crumbs on the floor...we do actually use this room :-)


  1. This looks so nice. It really lightened up the room and has such a fresh look. Good job!

  2. Nice job Tallia. It looks great!

  3. Thank you! I'm really loving what a little paint can do to a whole room!
