Sunday, June 26, 2011

Birthday Outing

Birthday Outing

My friend Valerie and I have birthdays just 2 days apart (plus or minus a few years). In past years we have celebrated together by getting pedicures, going out to eat, etc. This year was even better! We drove to 3 antique stores within 30-40 minutes from us and had a ball! I was actually pretty worn out by the last store but it was so incredible to see so many different vintage items in one afternoon! I would have grabbed up so much more than I did if I didn't have a budget!  Here's what I came away with:
 An old baby scale! It has the weight/age charts up to 18 months. So cute!

Retro still-working-but-very-dangerous fan. I love this color!

Valerie bought two different iron plant stands to decorate her porch/deck. They're going to be so cute when she gets plants on them!

We had planned on stopping somewhere for ice cream but weren't sure where when we happened upon a gift store that sold several types of gelato. Neither of us had tasted gelato before and we tried lots of samples before deciding on 2 flavors each. It was so yummy!

Thanks for the fun, fun day Valerie! I can't wait to see what we do next year!