Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cinnamon Biscuit Balls

On our family vacation this summer we were able to see some old friends from our college days. It was so nice to see them after 9 years and my sweet friend, Karen, gave me a little gift. I am now the proud owner of The Bisquick Cookbook- Recipes from Betty Crocker in answer to your requests, printed in 1964. I believe it was her grandmother's and I am honored to have it. It is full of fun recipes using, of course, Bisquick. And the graphics are so cute! 

The following recipe was listed under "Breads a Bride Can Bake". I thought it would make a nice snack for my kids today.

Cinnamon Biscuit Balls
2 cups Bisquick
2/3 cup milk
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon

Heat oven to 450 (hot). Add milk to Bisquick all at once; stir with fork into a soft dough. Beat dough vigorously 20 strokes, until stiff and slightly sticky. Roll dough around on cloth-covered board lightly dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Knead gently 8 to 10 times to smooth up dough. Drop a teaspoonful at a time into a mixture of 2 Tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 8 to 10 min. Makes 2 doz. small cinnamon balls.

This is all it takes, folks!

My Notes: After kneading the dough I rolled them into balls as well as I could (dough was still a little sticky) or you could just use a spoon to drop it into cinnamon mixture like the directions say. These were pretty good. I wouldn't take them as a dessert to a function, but they definitely passed for my kids' snack time. 

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