Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cinnamon Biscuit Balls

On our family vacation this summer we were able to see some old friends from our college days. It was so nice to see them after 9 years and my sweet friend, Karen, gave me a little gift. I am now the proud owner of The Bisquick Cookbook- Recipes from Betty Crocker in answer to your requests, printed in 1964. I believe it was her grandmother's and I am honored to have it. It is full of fun recipes using, of course, Bisquick. And the graphics are so cute! 

The following recipe was listed under "Breads a Bride Can Bake". I thought it would make a nice snack for my kids today.

Cinnamon Biscuit Balls
2 cups Bisquick
2/3 cup milk
2 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon

Heat oven to 450 (hot). Add milk to Bisquick all at once; stir with fork into a soft dough. Beat dough vigorously 20 strokes, until stiff and slightly sticky. Roll dough around on cloth-covered board lightly dusted with flour to prevent sticking. Knead gently 8 to 10 times to smooth up dough. Drop a teaspoonful at a time into a mixture of 2 Tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon. Place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 8 to 10 min. Makes 2 doz. small cinnamon balls.

This is all it takes, folks!

My Notes: After kneading the dough I rolled them into balls as well as I could (dough was still a little sticky) or you could just use a spoon to drop it into cinnamon mixture like the directions say. These were pretty good. I wouldn't take them as a dessert to a function, but they definitely passed for my kids' snack time. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Old Neon Signs

There once was a vintage neon motel sign. It was tall and skinny and had a curvy arrow. It was the most beautiful turquoise (or was it pistachio?) green. I drove past it at least 2 times a week and admired it each and every time. It sat in front of a car dealership even though it was for a motel...that shows how many decades it had stood there. I knew it was special and always planned on stopping to take a picture. I even had plans to enlarge the picture and display it in my home. But that day never came. One day I drove by and the sign was gone. Well, at least everything but the frame. I was devastated. I don't know if it was vandalized or if the car dealership got tired of it blocking their cars on display, but whatever happened a unique piece of our city's history was destroyed. And boy do I wish I had stopped to take that picture. Or even stopped to ask the car dealership if I could buy it.
Lesson learned: STOP FOR NEON SIGNS! Do you have any fabulous neon signs in your city?

I learned my lesson and captured a historic sign in Lexington, KY. This drive-in is still operating!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vintage Vacation: ROAD TRIP

What could be more vintage than a road trip? Back in the days of yesteryear long road trips were more common. Yes, people took airplanes to exotic places and even within the country, but not so much as they do now. I believe we Americans knew our country a little better because we experienced it through looking out the window of a car rather than flying over it all in a plane. My family and I recently experienced a 3-week cross-country road trip from Washington state to Kentucky and back. There were so many things to see along the way that the travel time was anything but boring. We would have missed so much if we'd taken a plane straight to Kentucky. Here are some sites we took in along the way:

Old Faithful!

Buffalo in Yellowstone

Historic Nauvoo, IL LDS Temple

Historic Dinosaur Park Rapid City, SD

Jackalope at Wall Drugstore in Wall, SD

Monday, August 1, 2011

Cookies from The-Mom-Next-Door

We just returned from a 3-week vacation and I have a lot of things I want to blog about! I saw lots of old things that got me excited: vintage houses, signs, cars, towns, plantations, cemeteries, trees, homesteads, churches and more. I'll be writing more in a few days when I get my pictures loaded onto my computer.

But today I have a simple recipe to share. I needed a treat for tonight and my daughter requested a special chocolate chip recipe I have. This recipe goes way back to when I was a kid! My neighbor's mom made these a lot and we loved them! My mom finally asked for the recipe which is why I am able to make these for my own kids. This recipe is unique because it uses 1/2 vanilla and 1/2 almond extract for the flavoring. It makes a wonderful difference! Taking a bite brings me back 20+ nice!

Chocolate Chip Cookies from Mrs. Mildon
1 cup softened margarine
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. almond extract
2 3/4 cups flour
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 package (12 oz.) chocolate chips

Heat oven to 375. Mix margarine, sugars and egg. Mix in vanilla and almond extract. Stir in flour, baking soda, and salt. Stir in chocolate chips. Put dough balls on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until light brown, 8-10 minutes. 

Makes 6 dozen cookies.